Antimicrobial Multi-drug Resistance in the Era of COVID-19: A Forgotten Plight?

Pelfrene, et al. (2021) state that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a growing global problem to which the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic may further contribute. With resources deployed away from antimicrobial stewardship, evidence of substantial pre-emptive antibiotic use in COVID-19 patients and indirectly, with deteriorating economic conditions fuelling poverty potentially impacting on levels of resistance, AMR threat remains significant.

In this paper, main AMR countermeasures are revisited and priorities to tackle the issue are re-iterated. The need for collaboration is stressed, acknowledging the relationship between human health, animal health and environment (“One Health” approach). Among the stated priorities, the initiative by the European Medicines Regulatory Network to further strengthen the measures in combatting AMR is highlighted. Likewise, it is asserted that other emerging health threats require global collaboration with the One Health approach offering a valuable blueprint for action.

The authors stress the importance of an integrated preparedness strategy to tackle this public health peril.

Pelfrene E, et al. Antimicrobial multidrug resistance in the era of COVID-19: a forgotten plight? Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control. Vol. 10, No. 21. 2021.

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