U.S. Hospitals Make Impressive Strides in Hand Hygiene Practices

By Leah Binder

Effective hand hygiene is widely recognized as one of the most crucial steps hospitals can take to prevent infections, protecting both patients and health care workers. This vital aspect of infection control is why my organization, The Leapfrog Group, sets high standards on hospital hand hygiene practices and asks hospitals about them on the annual Leapfrog Hospital Survey. We report by hospital on how well each facility meets that standard along with others that show demonstrable commitment to patient safety.

Leapfrog just released a new report detailing trends nationally in hand hygiene, and we found some good news to report. First and foremost, the percentage of hospitals meeting our standard skyrocketed from just 11 percent in 2020 to 74 percent in 2023. This sevenfold increase is a testament to the dedication and impact of health care providers who are truly protecting their patients.

The report also contains good news about hospital leadership. The vast majority of hospitals report that their leaders are directly accountable for hand hygiene vigilance tied to performance reviews and/or compensation. This marks a substantial jump from less than half of hospitals in 2020, indicating that hospitals are taking patient safety very seriously and holding executives accountable. When hospital leaders prioritize hand hygiene, they set the tone for their organizations, fostering a culture of safety that benefits both patients and staff.

Indeed, the report suggests cultural attitudes toward hand hygiene are positive. Almost all hospitals invite patients and visitors to remind staff about hand hygiene, and top leaders demonstrate commitment.

Note: This article originally appeared in the October 2024 issue of Healthcare Hygiene magazine.

Key to demonstrating improvements in hand hygiene is to measure compliance: does every clinician wash their hands before and after every patient encounter? In addition to improvements in routine observation of encounters the use of electronic compliance monitoring systems has more than doubled, increasing from 4.7 percent in 2020 to 10 percent in 2023. These systems, including door monitors and electronic badges, help facilities track hand hygiene practices more accurately and with less burden on staff compared to traditional human observation.

Training and infrastructure improvements have also played a crucial role in promoting hand hygiene compliance. The majority of hospitals now require staff to physically demonstrate proper hand hygiene techniques, with compliance rising from 58.3 percent in 2020 to 85.7 percent in 2023. This hands-on approach ensures that staff not only understand the importance of hygiene but can also execute it effectively. Moreover, hospitals have made significant strides in ensuring that necessary supplies—such as hand sanitizer, soap and paper towels—are readily available. Almost every hospital reporting to the survey (96.3 percent) implemented evidence-based processes to keep hygiene supplies functional.

Despite these promising advancements, challenges remain. Even among hospitals that achieve the standard, gaps in compliance persist. For instance, the report indicates that at least 559 hospitals in the U.S. still do not meet all aspects of the Leapfrog Hand Hygiene Standard.

In response to these ongoing challenges, the Leapfrog Partners Advisory Committee is working to engage healthcare stakeholders and support the development of best practices, foster innovations that improve compliance, and identify educational resources for hospitals and ASCs.

As hospitals continue to prioritize hand hygiene, the positive trends reflected in the Leapfrog report are encouraging. By maintaining a focus on monitoring, accountability, technological advancements and cultural commitment, healthcare providers are making a real difference and should be proud of this progress.

For more information on hand hygiene compliance and to access detailed reports from The Leapfrog Group, visit https://www.leapfroggroup.org/ratings-reports/reports-hospital-and-asc-performance.

Founded in 2000 by large employers and other purchasers, The Leapfrog Group is a national nonprofit organization driving a movement for giant leaps for patient safety. The flagship Leapfrog Hospital Survey and new Leapfrog Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Survey collect and transparently report hospital and ASC performance, empowering purchasers to find the highest-value care and giving consumers the lifesaving information they need to make informed decisions. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, Leapfrog's other main initiative, assigns letter grades to hospitals based on their record of patient safety, helping consumers protect themselves and their families from errors, injuries, accidents and infections.

Leah Binder is CEO and president of The Leapfrog Group.